GCIS Owners Paul Griffin and Gavin Bush proudly donated a new laptop to Cambridge Charity Fundraisers to continue their incredible work in the community.
Cambridge Charity Fundraisers are a voluntary organisation, raising money for local charities through fishing tournaments, donations, sponsorship and events.
Cambridge Charity Fundraisers have supported a number of overseas Fresh Water Projects, England Amputees Football Team, sponsored three guide dogs, worked with the Hinchingbrooke Special Care Baby Unit, East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices on three occasions, twice with Cancer Research UK, twice with Magpas, Copars helping children with cancer at Addenbrookes Hospital, the Road Victims trust, Toms Trust caring for Children with brain tumours and three times with Arthur Rank Hospice Charity.
“The funding that we have provided to all the charities would not be possible without the support of all our sponsors over the years to who we are so very grateful. Our aim is to try to help change lives for the better” Ian Darler